Friday, July 27, 2007

My First Anniversary Of Serving Military Service

Last year on this date, I entered notorious 成功嶺, and started my boulevard of military service. No sooner did I step onto the ground from the bus than I and all my comrades were roared and shouted. Within that day, how many times I was punished and condemned I have forgotten. I scared, shivered, despaired, but no tears shed-- I bestirred myself, no one could knock me down and do harm to me except myself, none, never ever. What I encountered was just a ludicrous game in which I played; one day it would come to an end.
37 days passed away. Leaving 成功嶺, inside my heart mingled relief for emancipation, hatred for excruciation I suffered, revenge ideation of those who ever hurt me, and entire loss for the unknown future. However, to my surprise, one year gone, I learn forgiveness-- forgetting those who hurt me, let them be no more than passengers in my life, don't let them reside. I learn compassion-- different comrades from different corners in our society, we are all soldiers, none better, none nobler. Beyond my belief at the initial of obligatory service, I deeply cherish these days serving it. I know, I've turned out to be a better man.
Hail! My anniversary of serving military service. There is no story without ending and parting. Hitherto, I've been missing every boy who ever dined and slept with me, ran and sweated around me during this period. We shared insults, disappointments, as well as honors. Step by step, bit by bit, we are weaving our memories going this long way. So many times, I wanna steal a piece of time from God, and let these memorable moments stay. Too often, I'm reluctant to grow up and face the atrocities of outer society. Yet once again, I bestir to myself-- the purpose or growing up is not to be richer or what, but to prove to myself how incredibly achieved I can be.
In the future, we've got to make our own choices and decisions. More and more people will laugh at us, look down at us, and say or do anything they can trying to bring us down. No way. They will never win, because we have our pride and faith deep within; they can't take that away from us. And you won't stand alone, either, for I'll be standing by. My comrades, let us be proud of each other!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
