Friday, March 28, 2008
來嘉義長庚工作已是第三次,也不會是最後ㄧ次,但相信不會有一次像這次ㄧ樣,輕鬆,自在,放。未來的日子裡,還是得小心翼翼的把自己的浪漫,懶散,愛戀,異想,驕傲,以及所有跟香格里拉有關的事情,藏在長滿細菌病毒的工作袍裡。 我背負著幸福,卻追尋著痛苦。 該說些告別感言,因為下ㄧ次要在此發言又不知是何月何日了。然後我就想起我曾經想發表卻一直未發表現在要硬擠出來也很怪所以該脆放棄它的退伍感言。退伍那天,我從恆春騎摩托車回高雄長庚,一整個路上,只見烏雲在天上跟我競速,我騎到哪雨就下到哪,包著ㄧ層薄薄的雨衣全身依然溼透;就這樣,溼答答的騎了五個多小時。當時心裡雜亂想著,退伍了,是狂歡還是失落,是解脫還是繼續不自由? 為什麼要一直聊當兵的話題呢,已經好幾次被身旁的姊姊們漂白眼了。但是,再怎麼聊,也是比談插了幾支管接了幾個新病人簽了幾張死診來的有意思呀,所以,雄壯 威武 嚴肅 剛直 安靜 堅強 確實 速捷 沉著 忍耐 機警 勇敢 ㄧ 二 三 四 ㄧ 二 三 四 ㄧ 二 三 四。 退伍時,累積了好幾位男孩的故事,最後依然未能付諸文章。一號男孩現在在台南榮院營養室發揮他所學,二號男孩在台北業績很好的公司打拼業務,三號在比利時當外交官,四號男孩去了紐西蘭一趟想去發展但最終仍回來台灣,五號男孩勉勉強強跌跌撞撞後來進嘉義長庚外科工作,六號男孩和當兵時認識的女友分手後在大台北跑業務,七號男孩在眾人的疼愛下慢慢長大,八號男孩和交往多年的女友分手了留在台北的手機公司發揮他所長,九號男孩在家裡準備普考想當公務員,十號男孩也窩在家裡準備考研究所,十一號男孩在台北當開業牙醫並準備結束一段戀情,十二號男孩暫時單身並在國泰內科服務(而我意外得知十一號跟十二號男孩先後都與我當兵時科裡的正妹交往!),十三號男孩在家鄉附近的工業區做著他覺得無聊低成就的工作,十四號男孩在外島家鄉準備重考來懸壺濟世,十五號男孩工作斷斷續續但離家不遠,十六號男孩在總統就職日退伍緊接著到下營國小教書,十七號男孩靠著外語專長及大學所學在藥廠工作有不錯的收入,十八號男孩在台北獸醫診所服務,十九號男孩的新片叫籃球部落,二十號男孩在師大投入的念博士班,二十一號男孩在台北教大提琴存錢要去國外念書,二十三號男孩的飲料店才剛開張當老闆,二十四號男孩果真到嘉義長庚急診工作瘦了一大圈,二十二號男孩,嗯,我想我是真的失去他了。 那我, 繼續跟自己追逐的夢擦肩而過。ㄧ心想付出,但何處可收復,漆黑的大漠裡寂寞走走停停,任由不知情的風沙捲去腳印。
Thursday, March 27, 2008
What The Fuck It Is......
Days without wards are fleeting away. Di Da Di Da Di Da. Too happy to stand saying goodbye. Too fast to catch the fleeting happiness. If it were the most blissful moments of my resident career, well, I believe it is, and the seniors told me so as well, I would like to thank the lovable colleagues with me this month. That we don't have to work together for long might account for your loveliness. Work always genders conflicts, and friction undermines friendship. So I prefer making friends with people outside my department, better far away from the hospital. Oops. Seeing what I did in these photos? I played as the fireman. Easier to have days without responsibility than not. Play is always fun. Once I had to work instead of playing, I could not smile that way anymore. Therefore, I wonder if unwillingness and unhappiness are the essences of work itself. That's why we call work work, not play.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I'm Here For Your Entertainment
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
If I could ever achieve something, I'd like to thank those who ever gave me credits or compliments which were far far more than what I had done. It was these overpraises, though not all out of true hearts, that spurred me on keeping up with them. These boasts always reminded me to make more of myself not to let them become vaunts. And for sure, there were more times I was disregarded or insulted on the long way I grew up. Thanks again for those who did bad to me. I knew I was weak, I was sissy, I had no background. The only thing I could revenge was to transform myself into a more powerful and respectful person, to overshadow those mean guys. I still could remember how those kids call me "freak" when I was in elementary school, how classmates betrayed and alienated me, how strangers misunderstood me, how people talked of me as a gay behind me........ Recalling these, there were sweets, but more hurts. Inevitably, I had been indulged in regrets or hatred. But tonight one friend reminded me, the past is not for regret but for remembrance; if you have ever lost something before, win them back in the future. So, I play as the fighter, against loneliness, laughter, and contempts. I fight for my love, my family, and those who put their faith in me. Please keep on believing me, then I can know how to make it.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Boy Twenty-Three: I'm 23, I Own My Store
Boy 23, A-Tze, aged 23, was my comrade in the same subgroup on 成功嶺. It was quite coincidental that me, Boy 1, and him, were all feminine to some degree....... I and Boy 1 are sissy behaviourally, while A-Tze has been beset by his unpleasantly feminine hoarse voice. And it was this coincidence that put we three together and become very good friends since then.
I've been impressed by A-ze's smartness on 成功嶺 by his good order in taking care of things, and believe he can be a reliable and responsible person. As I guess, he did a good job during substitute service, and left very good reputation.
I've been impressed by A-ze's smartness on 成功嶺 by his good order in taking care of things, and believe he can be a reliable and responsible person. As I guess, he did a good job during substitute service, and left very good reputation.
The above is me and A-ze's cousin. After finishing the substitute service, A-ze becomes the comrade that has most frequent contact with me. I, A-ze, and his cousin went to KTV, visited the night market, and had a meal together quite a few times. But as I know, A-ze worked in a drink shop after service and didn't really make an ideal salary. He wasn't that willing to have interviews for company, much part because he wasn't satisfied with his own voice and didn't want to get hurt by this. Since I knew him, he has been tortured by some innocent insults and felt depressed many times. But this changed since 3/17. On this day, A-ze's own tea shop opened in Tainan City.
It has been his dream to have his own store, and running a tea shop is his expert, for he worked in tea shops for quite a long time earning his own living fees when studying. This was what he told me on 成功嶺. But you know, at that time, 8 out of 10 boys would tell you he wanted to run a store, and I though to myself, guys, you were too young...... a long way to go, aah.......... But A-ze makes it.
It has been his dream to have his own store, and running a tea shop is his expert, for he worked in tea shops for quite a long time earning his own living fees when studying. This was what he told me on 成功嶺. But you know, at that time, 8 out of 10 boys would tell you he wanted to run a store, and I though to myself, guys, you were too young...... a long way to go, aah.......... But A-ze makes it.
Of course I know there are quite a few hardships waiting for him in terms of business. How to collect more customers, how to make the unique taste and own brand....... These are all puzzles hard to unwind. I cannot expect how much success he can make. So far as he told me, he worked 10AM to 10PM, Sunday to Monday, running a store all by himself. Woo, though we are slim, feminine, and "strawberries" like............., we are even tastier after trials.
Monday, March 17, 2008
We Don't Say Goodbye
退伍後上班ㄧ陣子,14號男孩有問我怎麼沒再寫部落格了。嗚,因為生活無趣嘛,擠不出心得來,每天在醫院裡,上演ㄧ樣的劇情,做ㄧ樣的事,靠一樣的夭,法ㄧ樣的客,雪ㄧ樣地特.........原諒我腦汁已經被榨乾。當然也不能說我很討厭或很不適合這份工作,只是,我對於我如花般的青春竟鎮日鎖在院所裡,很是感到哀傷;再者,總覺得自己的人生,不該只有醫師這項頭銜。 然後,這個月來到嘉義從事為期一個月的社區醫學參訪,總算跟正常的社會有ㄧ點連結,也開始比較有空發展我這年紀該有的人際關係。我在社區長青會裡驚訝於年長著們的可愛與生命力,而非病房裡ㄧ副副好不了也死不掉的軀體。8號男孩跟我說他的爸爸住院了,生的是病房裡常見的病,接受的是病房裡常見的術式,讓我反省過往那無數個只在我腦海裡經過而未曾駐留的個案們,是否也跟我有某種生活上的連結。我也開始網交了,幹,青春洋溢的正妹真多,呆在醫院太久精蟲都死掉了......... 8號男孩說 ,我的blog讓他很有感覺,要我繼續寫下去。馬的這理工組的男生,居然講出這王八蛋感性的話,我在成功嶺真是看走眼了。 所以,就是這麼一些事情,讓我決定繼續寫下去。今天也是同梯孟澤弟弟的小草生活飲品在台南市東門圓環民權路上開幕的日子,紀念一下。未來,在這吳替代役男小泰,吳小泰醫師,演藝人員吳小泰的部落格裡,we don't say goodbye!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
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